- LIS結果查詢(xún)LIS result query
- 結果查詢(xún)result query
- 分析對無(wú)結果查詢(xún)和低點(diǎn)擊率查詢(xún)的報告,識別當前被用戶(hù)搜索但未進(jìn)行爬網(wǎng)的內容。Analyzing the reports on no-result queries and low-clickthrough queries to identify content that is being sought by users but is not being crawled.
- 該系統主要包括用戶(hù)手冊、評估須知、評估資料錄入、評估專(zhuān)家專(zhuān)區、評估結果查詢(xún)、用戶(hù)管理、評估論壇、網(wǎng)上評估等功能塊。The system includes user manual, user notice, evaluation data input, expert prefecture, the result of evaluation inquiry, user management, BBS and so on.
- 建立了駕駛室電路系統和檢測結果查詢(xún)數據庫,不僅可以實(shí)現對檢測結果的實(shí)時(shí)顯示,而且可以進(jìn)行對檢測結果歷史數據的本機查詢(xún),并通過(guò)Intranet進(jìn)行遠程的檢測結果查詢(xún)。Databases for cab electric circuit and its detecting results are also set up for real time display and subsequent inquiry,including remote inquiry by intranet.
- 電話(huà)查詢(xún)臺的電話(huà)號碼是多少?What number shall I dial for directory enquiry?
- 閃電成像儀LISLightning imaging sensor(LIS)
- 物流信息系統(LIS)logistics information system(LIS)
- LIS實(shí)施過(guò)程中的研究與體會(huì )Research and experience of LIS implementation process
- 查詢(xún)結果分頁(yè)Paging Through a Query Result
- 土地管理信息系統(LIS)Land management information system( LIS)
- 我花了十個(gè)小時(shí)把結果制成表格。It took me ten hours to tabulate the results.
- 東亞LIS教育地區性合作的挑戰和機會(huì )The challenges and opportunities of regional cooperation in LIS education in East Asia
- 那些違法者結果都坐了牢。Those offenders all ended up in prison.
- 淺談LIS與實(shí)驗儀器的雙向控制的研究與實(shí)現Research and the realization of bi-directional control of instrument of test and LIS
- 那出戲結果徹底失敗。That play turned out to be a total bomb.
- 臨床檢驗系統LIS在醫院信息系統中的應用體會(huì )LIS applications for hospital information system
- 他一回來(lái)就向委員會(huì )報告調查結果。On his return he report his findings to the committee.