- Ju Qinghui's Design Works 鞠清繪設計作品
- The paper’s research content is about one important part of government guiding EIP’s designing work, and it includes the designing and stability researching based on EIP’s troughput structure. 本文的內容關(guān)于政府主導型生態(tài)工業(yè)園產(chǎn)能結構的研究是這種類(lèi)型生態(tài)工業(yè)園構建的一個(gè)重要環(huán)節,主要包括產(chǎn)能結構的設計和穩定性研究。
- We must admit that the value of design works is. 設計作品的價(jià)值內核是創(chuàng )意!我們必須承認這一點(diǎn)。
- Design works of Nanjing Metro started in 1999. 1999年開(kāi)始進(jìn)入南京地鐵設計工作。
- Coordinate in management of design work. 設計工作的外部協(xié)調管理。
- New details underline the sophistication of the BMW X5′s design. 新設計的BMW X5具有卓爾不凡的特色。
- Fall 2006's design will appear below, authored, perhaps, by you! 2006年秋季的設計會(huì )顯示在下面,或許會(huì )由你來(lái)創(chuàng )作!
- The results verify the exactitude of EJMA's design formula. 檢驗結果認為,單波膨脹節與多波膨脹節使用同一壽命預測公式不合適。
- Now show you the LGA 1156's design: pull out the handle. LGA 1156腳位的開(kāi)啟方式:首先推開(kāi)拉柄,輕輕往上拉。
- Often, an HRSG's design or component is the culprit or catalyst. 通常,余熱鍋爐的設計或部件是水擊產(chǎn)生的罪魁禍首或催化劑。
- Highly interest in Mechanical engineering design works. 對機械設計有較高的興趣。
- David Appleyard’s Design Shack and David Appleyard. net永結無(wú)情游,相期邈云漢。
- We must admit that originality is the value of design works! 設計作品的價(jià)值內核是創(chuàng )意!
- Dionic design will make very important effect on humen’s design. 最后得出本文的結論,仿生設計作為一種與人、與人居環(huán)境相互協(xié)調的設計方法,在我們現在這個(gè)強調綠色設計和可持續發(fā)展的時(shí)代,必將對人類(lèi)的設計產(chǎn)生極其深刻的影響。
- Have you ever finish a design work with team or other form? 請問(wèn)你是否有以團隊或是其他形式完成過(guò)一件作品?
- The ejector seat is necessary for the pilot’s safety, but a lot of design work has gone into ensuring that it never gets fired inadvertently. 操縱桿是為了保證飛行員安全的,但是也應該將設計重點(diǎn)放在如何使它不會(huì )被容易地激發(fā)上面。
- The trend of semeiology being involved in today s design is inevitable. 符號學(xué)介入到今天產(chǎn)品設計領(lǐng)城是一種必然的趨勢,并對其產(chǎn)生了重要的影響。
- Goupil’s design foreshadowed modern “blended lifting body” configurations. 古皮爾的設計瞻性地采用了翼身融合升力體。
- Handy gun design works independently and desoldering with absorption function. 輕便式獨立槍型設計,不需接駁控制臺進(jìn)行吸錫。