- Java程序設計Java programming
- “Java程序設計”Java Programming Design
- 設計design
- Java程序設計的安全性分析Analysis of Java Applet Security
- 事實(shí)上,這應是Java程序設計的一項基本操作,是繼續本書(shū)后余部分學(xué)習的基礎。In fact,that's the fundamental activity in Java programming,and it's what you'll be learning about in the rest of this book.
- 計算機程序設計人員的一般工資是多少?What's the going rate of computer programmers?
- J2EE是一個(gè)標準的體系結構,它特別面向使用Java程序設計語(yǔ)言進(jìn)行基于Web的企業(yè)應用的開(kāi)發(fā)與部署。J2EE is a standard architecture specifically oriented to the development and deployment of enterprise Web-oriented applications using the Java programming language.
- 程序設計方法(Programming in C & FORTRAN
- Web程序設計Web Programming
- 驅動(dòng)程序設計Design of the NVRAM To Flash Driver in VxWorks
- JSP與ASP一樣,包含了供頁(yè)面設計的html并使用了嵌入式Java程序代碼,以允許動(dòng)態(tài)內容在Web頁(yè)面中顯示。Just like ASPs,JSPs contain HTML for page layout and use embedded Java programming code that allows dynamic content to be displayed on a Web page.
- DSP程序設計DSP programming
- PLC程序設計PLC programming
- C#程序設計C%23 program design
- 在A(yíng)GVS仿真軟件系統的面向對象的實(shí)現中,由分析和設計所得的統一建模語(yǔ)言的設計符號被解釋為Java程序代碼。Implementation of the simulation software system of AGVS translates UML design notations into code in Java.
- 程序設計題program designing quest ions
- VHDL程序設計VHDL programming
- 用程序設計語(yǔ)言編寫(xiě)指令的過(guò)程。The process of writing instructions in a programming language.
- 遺傳程序設計genetic programming
- 泛型程序設計generic programming