- Jacobi迭代法Jacobi Iteration
- Jacobi迭代預處理中的條件數與迭代次數的關(guān)系Relation Between Condition Number and Iteration Degrees in Jacobi Iteration Pretreatment
- 在此基礎上,討論了系數矩陣A為(1,1)相容次序矩陣、Jacobi迭代矩陣的特征值為復數時(shí)AOR迭代法的收斂情況,給出一個(gè)判定收斂的條件,擴充了A.In this paper,the convergence of AOR iterative was discussed when the coefficient matrix of linear system is a (1,1) consistently ordered matrix and the eigenvalues of Jacobi iterative matrix are complex numbers.
- Jacobi迭代Jacobi iterative method
- Jacobi迭代方法Jacobi iterative method
- JOR迭代法JOR iteration
- 預迭代法Pre-iteration algorithm
- 平衡迭代法balance and iteration method
- 修正迭代法modified iteration method
- 步進(jìn)迭代法space step-by-step iterative algorithm
- 迭代閾值法iterative threshold
- 雅克比迭代法Jacobi' s iteration
- 用變切線(xiàn)法求方程實(shí)根的一種迭代方法An Iterative Method for Finding the Real Roots of Functional Equation by the Method of Variation Tangent Line
- 群迭代法group iterative method
- 載人飛船上升段軌道的Newton迭代設計法Newton Iterative Design Approach for Manned Spacecraft Ascent Trajectory
- 按步迭代法stepwise iterative process
- 位移矩陣法綜合平面鉸鏈四桿機構的非迭代解法Non-iterative Solution of Displacement Matrix Method for the Synthesis of Planar Knuckle-jointing Four-level Mechanism
- 軸向迭代法axial iteration technique
- 變頻調速系統離散化迭代學(xué)習控制法及應用技術(shù)The dispersed repeatedly learning control method and application technology of frequency transformer drive system
- 收斂迭代法convergent iterative procedure