- It"s all over now, steady on. 現在一切都過(guò)去了,鎮定些。
- It's all over now so think mo more of it. 現在一切都過(guò)去了,因此別再去想它了。
- It's all over now so think no more of it. 現在一切都過(guò)去了,因此別再去想它了。
- This is a blunder in a tough position. It is all over now. 這是嚴峻形勢下的又一大錯?,F在全完了。
- The unpleasant experience is all over now. 不愉快的經(jīng)歷已經(jīng)過(guò)去了。
- "Daisy, that's all over now," he said earnestly. "It doesn't matter any more. “黛西,那一切都過(guò)去了,”他認真地說(shuō),“現在沒(méi)什么關(guān)系了。
- I saw my old girlfriend the other, but that's all over now. 前幾天我見(jiàn)到了我以前的女朋友;但現在都已經(jīng)過(guò)去了.
- The tragedy is all over now. 悲劇結束了。
- He did the work so badly that I had to do it all over again myself. 他干的太差勁了,我只好親自重做。
- The honeymoon is all over now. 蜜月如今已成過(guò)去。
- Sophia has it all over Olivia in looks and charm. 索菲婭的長(cháng)相和魅力都勝過(guò)奧利維亞。
- She had screwed up and had to do it all over again. 她把事情搞壞了,得重新做過(guò)。
- It's all over now. 現在已全都過(guò)去了。
- He pretends to be busy, but it' s all eyewash. 他假裝很忙,其實(shí)純屬欺騙。
- It was all over in a few moments. 不一會(huì )兒就都完了。
- Basically, it 's all a question of upbringing . 這基本上全是一個(gè)教養的問(wèn)題。
- I' m afraid it' s all a dreadful mistake. 看來(lái)全都大錯特錯了.
- It is all over now. 現在一切都過(guò)去了。
- It' s a matter of a few more miles, that' s all. 最多再有幾英里; 也不過(guò)如此.
- I've looked for it all over the shop. 我到處都找過(guò)了。