- IVF妊娠結局IVF pregnancy outcome
- 目的 探討透明帶厚度 (ZPT)及透明帶厚度變量 (ZPTV)與體外受精 胚胎移植 (IVF ET)妊娠結局的關(guān)系。Objective: To investigate the relationship of zona pellucida thickness (ZPT) / zona pellucida thickness variation (ZPTV) of human embryos and clinical pregnancy outcome following in vitro fertilization treatment.
- 結局ending
- 羊水過(guò)少靜脈輸液加飲水治療前后臍血流變化及妊娠結局The change of cord blood flow and pregnant outcomes after venous transfusion and water drinking in hypamnion
- 糖尿病教育在改善妊娠期糖耐量降低孕婦妊娠結局中的作用Impact of a nurse-based diabetes education program in the management of women with gestational impaired glucose tolerance
- 舟山群島孕婦弓形蟲(chóng)感染率及其與不良妊娠結局關(guān)系的調查Investigation report on the relationship between the infection rate of Toxoplasma gondii and adverse pregnancy outcomes among pregnant women in Zhoushan Islands
- 結局的eventual
- 胚胎移植技術(shù)對IVF臨床妊娠率的影響The effect of embryo transfer techniques on the clinical pregnancy rate of IVF.
- 妊娠結局pregnancy outcome
- 妊娠期糖尿病的合理管理與妊娠結局Reasonable management of gestation diabetes and its pregnancy come-off
- 雙胎妊娠的分娩方式與妊娠結局探討Study on the route of delivery and pregnancy outcome in twin pregnancy
- 異常妊娠結局Unusual pregnancy
- 生殖支原體與不良妊娠結局國內研究現狀Study situation on the Mycoplasma genitalium infection and unhealthy outcome of pregnancy in this country
- 妊娠期糖耐量減低孕婦早期治療對妊娠結局的影響The influence of the treatment in the early period to the pregnant women with GIGT
- 噪聲對女性生殖機能、妊娠結局影響的回顧性隊列研究A retrospective cohort study of the noise effect on reproductive function and pregnant outcomes in exposed female workers
- 不良妊娠結局Adverse pregnancy outcomes
- 不同促排卵方案排卵結局和不同受精方式妊娠結局的相關(guān)因素探討Discussion of the Relative Factors about the Outcome of Ovulation and Pregnancy by Different Inducing Protocol and Fertilizing Style
- 腹腔鏡與開(kāi)腹手術(shù)治療妊娠期附件包塊效果及妊娠結局的比較分析Comparative analysis of laparoscopy and laparotomy of adnexal masses in pregnancy for the clinical data of perioperative period and the outcome of the pregnancy
- 高齡初產(chǎn)對妊娠結局的影響The effects of first pregnancy in elder age on the prognosis