- IFN-γ誘導性肽-10IP-10
- 人激肽釋放酶10hK10
- IFN-γ誘導性單核細胞因子Mig
- 10是5的倍數。10 is a multiple of 5.
- 誘導性inductivity
- IFN-γ(=interferon-γ) γ干擾素
- 二肽dipeptide
- 用4乘以10multiply 10 by 4
- 信號肽signal peptide
- 賺得10英鎊to gain ten pounds
- C肽C-peptide
- 這趟行程10英鎊夠用嗎?Will 10 suffice for the trip?
- 胞壁肽muramyl peptide
- 5除10得2。5 goes into 10 twice.
- 血漿激肽plasmakinin; plasmokinin
- 因搶劫被判處10年徒刑to get ten years for robbery
- 氨肽酶aminopeptidase
- 還欠10美元。There are still ten dollars owing.
- 八肽octapeptide
- 約10磅around ten pounds