- Hoagland營(yíng)養液Hoagland solution
- 以含0、5、15mmol/LCa2+的Hoagland營(yíng)養液培養花生幼苗,在5mmol/LCa2+條件下,果糖-1,6二磷酸酯酶和磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶活性最高,0、15mmol/LCa2+均使酶活性降低,光合速率亦呈現相同變化趨勢。When peanut sablings weregrown in Hoagland solution containing 0, 5 or 15 mmol/L of Ca2+, fructose 1,6-bisphosphalase(FBPase) and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPCase) showed the highest aedvity at 5 mmol/Lof Ca2+, but the highest aCtivity of pyruvate kinase (PK) was found at 0 mmol/L Ca2+.
- 營(yíng)養液nutrient fluid
- 娃哈哈兒童營(yíng)養液Wahaha Children's Nourishing Oral Liquid
- 不同類(lèi)型花卉植物體營(yíng)養分析及其在營(yíng)養液配制中的應用Nutrition analysis of various kinds of flower plants and its application to compounding nutritive liquid
- 高營(yíng)養液hyperalimentation fluid
- 營(yíng)養液培Hydroponics
- KC營(yíng)養液KC nutrition
- 全營(yíng)養液pancebrin
- 仙客來(lái)無(wú)土栽培營(yíng)養液中氮、磷、鉀、鐵濃度選優(yōu)試驗研究Selective preference experiment on N. P. K. Fe consistencies in Cyclamen persicum soilless culture nutrient solution
- 實(shí)驗結果提示發(fā)酵培育冬蟲(chóng)夏草營(yíng)養液具有抗衰老作用。These results implied that AFCS has an obvious antiaging effect.
- 人工營(yíng)養液artificial nutrient liquid
- 復合營(yíng)養液complex nutrients
- 美白營(yíng)養液cleawhite cream
- 腸內營(yíng)養液enteral nutrition liquid
- 營(yíng)養液濃度Nutrient solution concentration
- 全價(jià)營(yíng)養液Full fertigation
- 植物營(yíng)養液SPEN
- 營(yíng)養液系統nutrient solution system
- 營(yíng)養液環(huán)境nutrient solution conditions