- HSV色彩分割HSV color segmentation
- 色彩分割color segment
- HSV色彩空間HSV color space
- HSV色彩模型HSV color model
- 基于色彩分割與體態(tài)紋理分析的車(chē)牌定位方法A Method for License Plate Location Based on Color Segmentation and Shape-texture Analysis
- 利用HSV色彩模型制作彩色暈渲圖的方法A Method Based on to Make Color Hatching Map HSV Color Model
- 圖像的色彩分割技術(shù)在等差線(xiàn)處理中的應用研究Application of Color Segmentation in Isochromatic Processing
- 分割to cut up
- 不可分割indivisibility
- 他的過(guò)去被裹上一層神秘色彩。His past was enveloped in a shroud of mystery.
- 分割線(xiàn)cut-off rule
- 像這樣的日落時(shí)時(shí)刻刻在改變著(zhù)色彩。A sunset like this shifted its tints every moment.
- 分割的intersected
- 包裹用色彩鮮艷的絲帶捆扎好。The package was tied with gay ribbons.
- HSVhue-saturation-value
- (輪廓色彩等)不鮮明的畫(huà)面a woolly painting
- 分割符decollator
- 抗HSVanti-HSV
- 美國作品的地方色彩the regionalism of American writing
- HSV-2HSV-2