- 結論重慶市艾滋病流行速度快速上升,疫情明顯增長(cháng),流行地區廣泛,三種傳播途徑共存,因此應加強HIV感染者和AIDS患者的管理、高危人群的干預和監測、大力宣傳艾滋病、消除歧視。So as to strengthen the management of HIV positives and AIDS patients, implement intervention and surveillance program among high risk population, enhance the propagation about HIV/AIDS and eliminate discrimination with HIV/AIDS.
- 方法跟蹤HIV/AIDS患者的隨訪(fǎng)以及CD4+檢測結果,對山東省菏澤市的HIV/AIDS患者進(jìn)行分析。Methods Analysis was made on HIV/ADIS-infected people in rural areas in Heze city of Shandong Province by follow-up visits and test result of CD4+.
- AIDS/HIV感染者AIDS/H IV infected patients
- 目的 了解艾滋病病毒 /艾滋病 (HIV/AIDS)患者貧血并發(fā)情況 ,探討貧血程度對判定HIV/AIDS患者病情進(jìn)展的意義。Objective To comprehend the condition of anemia among people living with HIV/AIDS and evaluate its role in assessing the progression of HIV/AIDS.
- HIV感染者HIV infection
- 4例無(wú)癡呆綜合癥的AIDS患者雙側額、頂、顳葉、基底節和丘腦、以及直回和橋腦rCBF明顯低于正常對照組 (P <0 .0 1)。The rCBF in the right and left frontal, temporal, porietal lobe, basal ganglia and thalamus, cyrus rectus and pons were decreased significantly in AIDS patients without ADC than those of the control subjects ( P<0.01 ).
- 休斯敦市享受公費醫療的HIV感染者肺炎疫苗、流感疫苗接種情況Coverage of Pneumococcal and influenza vaccination in HIV-infected persons receiving public health services in Houston area
- 那個(gè)癌癥患者瘦得皮包骨。The cancer victim was reduced to skin and bones.
- 深圳口岸傳染病監測體檢發(fā)現首例臺胞HIV感染者處理方式的探討Detection first Taiwanese brethren infected by HIV when medical examination for wurveillance of infectious diseases in Shenzhan port
- 云南、四川艾滋病感染者及患者的營(yíng)養知識、態(tài)度及需求調查分析Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice towards Nutrition, and Needs for Nutrition among People with HIV Infection, Investigation in Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces
- HIV/AIDS知識HIV/AIDS knowledge
- 有吸毒史的HIV感染者HIV infective drug users
- 淋病患者AIDS相關(guān)支原體的分離培養與核酸檢測Isolate culture and nucleic acid detection of AIDS-associated mycoplasmas in the patients with gonorrhea
- 可溶性白介素-2受體對艾滋病病毒感染者和(或)艾滋病患者的臨床意義Clinical significance of soluble interleukin-2 receptors determination in HIV/AIDS patients
- HIV/AIDS傳播HIV/AIDS transmission
- 艾滋病病毒感染者/艾滋病患者HIV/AIDS
- HIV/AIDS戒毒人員HIV/AIDS hffected Inmates
- 我國部分HIV感染者面臨的社會(huì )心理壓力及可能做出的反應的調查結果分析An analysis of social and psychological stress faced by HIV carriers in selected areas of China and their possible responses