- Griffith精神發(fā)育量表griffith mental development scales
- Gesell發(fā)育量表Gesell Development Schedule
- 貝莉嬰兒發(fā)育量表-ⅡBayley Scales of Infant Development- Ⅱ
- Peabody運動(dòng)發(fā)育量表Peabody developmental motor scale
- 非特異性精神發(fā)育遲滯non-specific mental retardation
- Gesell發(fā)育量表對嬰幼兒腦癱康復療效的評估The evaluation of the rehabilitation effects on the children with cerebral palsy by Gesell development schedules
- 注意缺陷多動(dòng)障礙、精神發(fā)育遲滯及品行障礙患兒的腦干聽(tīng)覺(jué)反應臨床研究The clinical study of brainstem auditory responses in patients with attention deficit and hyperactive disorder, mental retardation and conduct disorder
- 0~3歲小兒精神發(fā)育量表mental development scales for years infant
- 精神發(fā)育遲滯學(xué)生心理行為特征調查Psychological and behavioral characteristics of pupils with mental retardation
- 99名精神發(fā)育遲滯兒童格式塔測試報告Gestalt test for 99 mental retarded children
- ZBI量表ZBI scale
- 寧強試驗區精神發(fā)育遲滯的遺傳方式初探A Preliminary study of genetic model in mental retardation in Ningqiang experimental station
- Wolf運動(dòng)功能測試量表的標準效度和評定者內部信度研究A study on intrarater reliability and criterion validity of Wolf motor function test
- 低出生體重兒體格發(fā)育及神經(jīng)精神發(fā)育結局Physical growth and neuropsychic developmental outcomes of low birth weight infants
- 記憶量表Wechsler memory scale
- 兒童精神發(fā)育遲滯的康復治療及其預后初探Rehabilitation treatment to children with mental retardation and a preliminary research on their prognosis
- 測評量表checking and measuring quantitative forms
- 精神發(fā)育遲滯患者二項必選數字記憶測驗的結果分析Performances of Binomial Forced-Choice Digit Memory Test in Patients with Mental Retardation
- 癥狀量表cross-sectional study
- 社會(huì )功能評價(jià)在精神發(fā)育遲滯患者性侵害案中的應用Evaluation on Social Function in Cases Involving Sexual Assault of Patients with Mental Retardation