- Gibbs佯謬Gibbs paradox
- 混合熵和Gibbs佯謬Eetropy of Mixing and Gibbs Paradox
- 關(guān)于倪光炯先生“Einstein-Pauli-Yukaw a 佯謬”一文的評論(英文)COMMENT ON "EINSTEIN-PAULI-YUKAWA PARADOX" BY NIG.J
- 光學(xué)參量下轉換的動(dòng)力學(xué)及其產(chǎn)生的光在演示EPR佯謬中的理論研究Theoretical investigation of light generated by optical parametric down-conversion and its application in the demonstration of the EPR paradox
- Gibbs能Gibbs energy
- Gibbs抽樣Gibbs sampling
- Gibbs現象Gibbs phenomenon
- 奧伯斯佯謬olbers paradox
- Gibbs算法Gibbs algorithm
- Gibbs分布Gibbs distribution
- 佯pretend
- Gibbs效應Gibbs effects
- Gibbs先驗Gibbs prior
- 佯謬paradox
- Gibbs仿真Gibbs simulation
- Gibbs雙穩系統Gibbs bistabel system
- Gibbs環(huán)狀偽影Gibbs ringing artifact
- 佯謬與一個(gè)雙贏(yíng)判決性散射實(shí)驗設計Lorentz-Compton Paradox and the Designing of a Double-Win Crucial Scattering Experiment
- Gauss-Gibbs隨機場(chǎng)Gauss-Gibbs random fields
- Pseudo-Gibbs現象pseudo-Gibbs phenomenon