- Foley’s導尿管Foley's Urine Pipe
- 導尿管catheter
- Foley管foley catheter
- 核Foley-Sammon變換Kernel Foley-Sammon Tranform
- 核Foley-Sammon鑒別分析Kernel Foley-Sammon discriminant analysis
- 應用foley氏管取食管異物的護理Nursing Care of Foley Tube for Esophageal Foreign Body
- 普通導尿管ordinary urethral catheter
- Foley氣囊管在術(shù)中膽道出血時(shí)的應用Application of Foley tube in the biliary bleeding during operation
- 氣囊導尿管balloon catheter
- Foley管牽引固定尿道拖入術(shù)治療外傷性后尿道狹窄Foley catheter ballon as a pulling and fixing device in Badenoch pull through procedure for posterior urethral stricture
- 留置導尿管[醫] catheter a demeure
- 采用Foley管行食管異物取出術(shù)的效果觀(guān)察Effect on Using Foley Catheter to Carry out Intraesophageal Foreign Body Extraction
- 小兒雙腔氣囊導尿管代替宮頸擴張棒行輸卵管造影效果觀(guān)察Effect of Paediatric 2-Way Male Foley’s Balloon Catheter Instead of the Cervical Dilator in Hysterosalpingography
- 一名職員在眾議院大樓宣讀了Foley的辭職報告。A clerk read Foley's resignation on the House floor and Foley submitted a letter of resignation to Florida Governor Jeb Bush.
- 小兒患者留置導尿管致尿路感染病原菌分布及耐藥性分析The Spectrum of Pathogens of Children in Urinary tract Infection Complicated in Bladder Catheter Indwelling and their Sensitivity to Common Antibiotics
- 用Foley氏導管為擴張器,注入6ml生理鹽水擴張皮瓣。Foley catheter were used to expand the dorsal flaps with 6 ml of sterile normal saline solution.
- 導尿管缸catheter jar
- Foley氏尿管在心內直視手術(shù)中治療動(dòng)脈導管未閉的應用Use of Foley catheter in therapy of Patent Ductus Arterius with open cardicac surgery
- 硅導尿管silicon cathete
- 男導尿管[醫] male catheter