- EDA軟件中的高速PCB技術(shù)Advanced Technology of High - Speed PCB in EDA Software
- 基于內存映射文件的數據交換技術(shù)及其在測控軟件中的應用DDE Technology Based on Memory Mapping and Its Application in Development of Test Program
- “2005年版日本安裝技術(shù)路線(xiàn)圖”中的PCB技術(shù)路線(xiàn)PCB Technology Roadmap Among "2005 Year EditionJapan Mount Technology Roadmap"
- 語(yǔ)文是開(kāi)啟文化大門(mén)的鑰匙,也是協(xié)助我們取得經(jīng)濟利益的軟件中的元素。Language is an integral part of culture and culture is in turn an important part of the software necessary to secure economic benefits.
- 高速PCB布線(xiàn)中的負載匹配技術(shù)Load-Matching in High-Speed PCB Routing
- 在表達和處理軟件中的信息時(shí),大多數數據結構和算法是基于數學(xué)算法的邏輯工具。Most of the data structures and algorithms used to represent and manipulate information in software are logic tools based on mathematical algorithms.
- 基于GTL技術(shù)的高速背板總線(xiàn)設計A design of high speed backplane bus based on GTL technique
- 語(yǔ)言是開(kāi)啟文化大門(mén)的鑰匙,也是協(xié)助我們取得經(jīng)濟利益的軟件中的元素。Language is an integral part of culture and is also an important part of the software necessary to secure economic benefits.
- 針對寬帶接入網(wǎng)絡(luò )中的高速率、高質(zhì)量、安全性要求,引入了服務(wù)質(zhì)量(QoS)保證技術(shù)。QoS guarantee technology is introduced in connection with the requirements for high speed, high quality and security in broadband access network.
- 很多軟件中都有日歷,而且幾乎都是一次顯示一個(gè)月份。Programs with visual representations of calendars are quite common, and they almost always display one month at a time.
- 聲音在水中的速度是空氣中的四倍左右The speed of sound in water is about four as great as in air.
- 用Delphi實(shí)現紋織CAD軟件中的流動(dòng)螞蟻線(xiàn)Realization of Marching Ants in Textile CAD with Delphi
- 黨的工作中的群眾路線(xiàn),具有極深刻的理論意義和實(shí)際意義。The mass line in Party work is of profound theoretical and practical significance.
- 我們不能僅僅因為某種技術(shù)很適合解決軟件中的問(wèn)題,就認為它也非常適合充當用戶(hù)的心理模型。Just because a technique is well suited to solving a problem in software construction doesn’t necessarily mean that it is well suited to be a mental model for the user.
- 下表總結了在 APF 中的 RCS 上執行控制任務(wù)要用到的任務(wù)和命令。The following table summarizes the tasks and commands that are used to perform controlling tasks on the RCSs in an APF.
- 茜草屬中數量眾多的樹(shù)木、灌木、蔓生植物中的任意一種。any of numerous trees or shrubs or vines of the family Rubiaceae.
- 反求工程技術(shù)在新產(chǎn)品開(kāi)發(fā)中的應用Reverse engineering technology in the application of new productions development
- 以超顯微的固體、液體粒子的形式分散或懸浮在空氣中的。in the form of ultramicroscopic solid or liquid particles dispersed or suspended in air or gas.
- 小信號幅度測量中的差分同步解調技術(shù)A differential synchronous demodulation technique for small-signal amplitude measurement
- 逆向工程和再工程在軟件預防性維護中的應用Reverse Engineering and Re-engineering Technologies in Preventive Maintenance