- EBJ-120TP型掘進(jìn)機EBj-120TP road-header
- TB880E型掘進(jìn)機Tunnel boring machine TB880E
- EBZ-120型掘進(jìn)機EBZ- 120 tunneller
- TB880E型掘進(jìn)機盤(pán)形滾刀的改進(jìn)Improvement of Disc Cutter of TB880E IBM
- 脫機off-line
- 新產(chǎn)品掘進(jìn)機工作效率高、安全性能好,實(shí)現了采掘機械化。New Carter products, mining roadheader, with very high working efficiency, and good safety feature, obtain the aim of mining mechanization.
- 第一期工程方案的關(guān)鍵技術(shù)就是如何開(kāi)鑿深埋長(cháng)隧洞 ,掘進(jìn)機的采用使得這一問(wèn)題得到解決。The key technology of the first stage project is how to dig tunnels and this is to be solved by adopting excavators.
- 基于載荷波動(dòng)最小的掘進(jìn)機截割頭截齒排列參數優(yōu)化設計Optimal Design for Pick Arrangement Parameters on Cutting Head of Roadheader Based on Minimum Load fluctuation
- 懸臂掘進(jìn)機boom - type roadheader
- 綜合掘進(jìn)機comprehensive tunneler
- 刀盤(pán)-掘進(jìn)機cutter head
- 礦用掘進(jìn)機entry driving machine for coal mine
- 搶險掘進(jìn)機headroader for emergency
- 重型掘進(jìn)機heavy-duty road-header
- 803E掘進(jìn)機803E TBM
- 使用者可根據地質(zhì)條件及特殊需要對隧道掘進(jìn)機進(jìn)行初步的選型。Based on applicability of each type of TBM, users can select appropriate TBMs to meet their needs and geological conditions.
- TBM隧道掘進(jìn)機TBM
- 雙護盾掘進(jìn)機TBM
- 自行走掘進(jìn)機auto-walking roadheader
- 懸臂式掘進(jìn)機boom type roadheader