- E-鈣粘附素E-cadherin
- E-鈣粘附素基因E-cadherin gene
- 目的:探討 E?鈣粘附素( E? C D) 表達與胃癌生物學(xué)行為的關(guān)系。Objective:To evaluate the correlation between the expression of E cadherin(E CD) and the biological behaviors of gastric cancer.
- 素plain
- 鈣粘附素cadherin
- 像素pixel
- E-鈣粘附蛋白E-cadherin
- 粘附adhere to
- 腎上腺素adrenalin
- 維生素Evitamin(e) E
- 氧化鈣calcium oxide
- 護發(fā)素hair conditioner
- 鈣的calcic
- 硫酸鈣calcium sulphate
- 霉素zymoid
- 生物素biotin
- 鈣粘附蛋白E - Cadherin
- 素的etic
- 精華素essence; quintessence
- 彈力素elastin