- DNA損傷監督網(wǎng)絡(luò )DNA damage surveilance network
- 農村藥品監督網(wǎng)絡(luò )有效運行機制的探索與實(shí)踐Exploring and Practice of Effective Function Mechanism of Drug Monitoring Net in Rural Areas
- 監督宣傳服務(wù)三位一體推進(jìn)農村藥品監督網(wǎng)絡(luò )建設Administration, Publicity and Service, Three-in-One to Promote Establishment of Drug Administration Network in Rural Areas
- DNA損傷DNA injury
- DNA損傷劑DNA damaging agent
- 焦爐作業(yè)工人多環(huán)芳烴暴露與外周血淋巴細胞DNA損傷的關(guān)系Relationship of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure with peripheral blood lymphocyte DNA damage in coke oven workers
- 大鼠肝細胞UDS試驗顯示,MTBE具有輕微的DNA損傷作用。Rat primary hepatocyte UDS assay showed that MTBE could damage DNA.
- 細胞DNA損傷cell DNA damage
- DNA損傷修復DNA damage repair
- DNA損傷反應DNA damage responses
- DNA損傷檢測Detection of DNA damage
- 氧化DNA損傷Oxidative DNA damage
- 精子DNA損傷Sperm DNA damage
- 突變前DNA損傷premutational DNA lesions
- DNA損傷與修復DNA damage and repair
- 肝細胞DNA損傷hepatocellular DNA damage
- DNA損傷檢驗點(diǎn)DNA damage checkpoint
- DNA損傷基因45DNA damage gene 45 (GADD45)
- DNA損傷修復酶DNA damage repair enzyme
- 然而缺血在導致DNA損傷的同時(shí),還激活自身的DNA修復系統。At the same time, cerebral ischemia can activate a complex network of DNA repair tocounteract neuronal DNA damage.