- 發(fā)展技術(shù),增強基礎-地球物理儀器國際化與地球物理技術(shù)在工程上的應用研討會(huì )綜述Developing geophysical technology and strengthening its basement-Review on the symposiums on the internationalization of geophysical instruments and the application of geophysical technology in engineering
- 摘要針對特鋼加熱工藝的特殊性,介紹了蓄熱式燃燒技術(shù)在特鋼加熱爐上的設計與應用。In allusion to heating process of special steel, this paper introduces the design and application of regeneration heating technology in the heating furnace of special steel.
- 成組技術(shù)在低鉻鑄鐵磨球生產(chǎn)上的應用Group Technology Application in the Low Chrome Cast Iron Grinding Ball Production
- 框架集中每個(gè)框架的獨立請求可以在Web服務(wù)器的不同線(xiàn)程上并發(fā)執行。The separate requests for each frame in the frameset might be executed on the Web server concurrently on different threads.
- 您可能還想將一些邏輯打包,以便將其在Web上銷(xiāo)售或在您的Web站點(diǎn)上分發(fā)。Or maybe you want to package up some logic to sell on the Web or distribute on your Web site.
- 數碼監控技術(shù)在鐵路道口安全防護上的應用Digital Monitoring Technology for Safety of Railway Level Crossing
- 綁定技術(shù)在以太網(wǎng)中的應用Discussion about Bindings Used in the Ethernet
- 面向對象技術(shù)在空壓站的應用Object-Oriented Programming Helps Streamline Station Controls translated and edited
- 實(shí)際上,如果在Web技術(shù)舞臺上沒(méi)有出現“串接的樣式單(CSS)”,XML是沒(méi)用的。In fact,XML wouldn't be useful if not for the arrival of Cascaded Style Sheets (CSS) on the Web technology scene.
- 自身蓄熱調溫燒嘴的開(kāi)發(fā)及在離線(xiàn)鋼包烘烤系統上的應用Development and Application of Temperature-Regulative Self-Regenerative Burner for Off-Line Ladle Preheating System
- 論爆破減震技術(shù)在露天礦的應用Discussion on Application of Vibration Reduction Technique in Explosion of the Open-Pit Mine
- ASP技術(shù)在信息權限安全中的應用The technique of ASP is in the information legal power application in the safety
- 一種耕型棕色石灰土增效生物肥的研制及在西瓜上的應用Development of a more effective compound bioorganic fertilizer in brown lime soil and its application in watermelon
- OLAP技術(shù)在質(zhì)量管理系統中的應用OLAP Technology and Its Application in Quality Management System
- 葡萄糖氧化酶在納米金修飾的絲網(wǎng)印刷電極上的直接電子傳遞及應用研究Direct Electron Transfer of Glucose Oxidase Immobilized on Colloidal Gold Modified Screen-printed Electrode and Its Application
- 數字陷印技術(shù)在地圖出版中的應用Digital Trapping Technology Applied in Map Publiation
- 最后介紹了該技術(shù)在TMN C++代理開(kāi)發(fā)平臺上的實(shí)現及實(shí)現中應注意的問(wèn)題。Finally, the imPlement of this schema on the TMN C++ ADE platform is presented.
- 淺議信息技術(shù)在建筑行業(yè)中的應用On the Application of IT in Building Trades
- 指定的自定義樣式表將應用于默認母版頁(yè)及附加在該母版頁(yè)上的所有內容網(wǎng)頁(yè)。The specified customized style sheet is applied to the default master page and to all content pages that are attached to that master page.