- COD去除COD removal
- COD去除率COD removal rate
- COD去除量CODcr removal
- 啟動(dòng)期末,膜出水脫色率可達90%以上,COD去除率可達60%左右。At the end of the startup phase, the decolorazation rate of BAA is over 90%25, and the COD removal is over 50%25.
- 最大比COD去除率maximal specific degradation rate of COD
- 研究了臭氧氧化條件下,吐氏酸水溶液在鼓泡反應器內的COD去除動(dòng)力學(xué)。This paper focusing on COD removal kinetics of Tobias acid solution ozonation in a bubble reactor.
- 我將襯衫浸在肥皂水里以去除污跡。I put the shirt in soapy water to soak out the stain.
- CODchemical oxygen demand (COD)
- 去除白內障remove a cataract
- 這一方法能幫助學(xué)生去除顧慮。This method can help students shed inhibitions.
- 高CODhigh COD
- 當前存在著(zhù)一個(gè)修改憲法并去除國家遺產(chǎn)與經(jīng)濟保護的驅力。There is now a drive for changing the Constitution and removing provisions that protect the national patrimony and economy.
- 低CODlow COD
- 作用于磁化材料以去除剩磁的反向磁通強度。The opposing magnetic intensity that must be applied to a magnetized material to remove the residual magnetism.
- 這種藥能去除腸子里的廢物。This medicine will help to purge waste matter from the bowels.
- 去除血管中的血液凝塊的手術(shù)。surgical removal of a blood clot (thrombus) from a blood vessel.
- COD特征值characteristic value of COD