- CMYK彩色空間CMYK color space
- HSV彩色空間HSV color space
- HIS彩色空間HIS colorful space
- RGB彩色空間RGB color space
- CMYK變換CMYK transformation
- CMYK色彩空間CMYK color space
- 顏色:CMYK四色,白色為選擇色。Color: CMYK, white as optional.
- 彩色空間colorspace
- 磁盤(pán)空間disk space
- 方法:以空泡狀細胞核為目標,采用在CMYK模式下的多層分割法分割病理圖像;Method: With vacuole nucleus as the subject, use multilayer segmentation algorithm to segment pathologic images in the CMYK mode.
- 彩色空間轉換color data conversion
- 發(fā)展空間development space
- 織物數碼噴墨印花采用染料型墨水為多 ,目前有CMYK墨水技術(shù)和預配色墨水技術(shù)兩種 ,后者成本低 ,似是發(fā)展方向。there are two technologies of CMYK ink and pre-color matching ink,the latter seems to be the developing trend as it features lower cost.
- 均勻彩色空間uniform colour space
- 這家商店出售各種型號的彩色電視機。This store sells a wide range of TV sets.
- 漂亮的彩色插圖使這本書(shū)更具吸引力。Beautiful coloured illustrations enhanced the book.
- 生存空間Lebensraum
- [俚]彩色電視colour telly
- 個(gè)人空間personal space
- 彩色小燈泡fairy lights