- CERES-Wheat模型CERES-Wheat
- CERES-Wheat模型對限水條件下小麥的莖蘗動(dòng)態(tài)模擬較好,模擬值與實(shí)測值擬合較好,模擬的準確度較高。CERES-Wheat model performed well in simulating stems per square meter of wheat under different irrigation level and the result was accurate.
- 本文在田間試驗的基礎上,針對河北冬小麥產(chǎn)區,以CERES-Wheat 2.0模型為研究工具,以我國的主要作物小麥為研究材料,探討了CERES-Wheat模型在麥田水分管理和灌溉決策方面的潛在應用。Based on the data from field experiment, CERES-Wheat 2.0 model was selected to study its potential application in field water management and irrigation decision-making in winter wheat under limited irrigation in Hebei province.
- CERES-Wheat模型對灌溉措施有較高的敏感性,它可以較好地反映不同灌溉處理對冬小麥生長(cháng)發(fā)育的影響。CERES-Wheat model was sensitive to irrigation level and performed well in reflecting the impact of irrigation level on wheat growth and development.
- CERES-Maize模型CERES-Maize model
- 基于CERES模型的氮肥決策支持系統A CERES Model Based Decision Support System for Nitrogen-Fertilization
- 如果客戶(hù)要求,CERES的檢查員可以在預檢查期間幫助客戶(hù)制定出管理計劃。If requested by the client, a CERES inspec- tor can help the client to work out the man- agement plan, during a pre-inspection.
- 檢查一完,檢查員就立即完成報告。只要所有文件一到,就會(huì )馬上被提交到CERES的總部。Immediately after the inspection, the in-spector finishes his/her report. As soon as all documents have arrived, they are sub-mitted to the CERES headquarter.
- 他有各式各樣的模型飛機。He has all manner of model planes.
- 模板匹配模型template matching model
- 塑造它們的模型已毀。The mould in which they were made is broken.
- 可熔化模型材料expendable pattern material
- 預制模型to preform a mould
- 自模型內壓制出管子extrude tubing
- 他們還做這種模型嗎?Do they make this model anymore?
- 盒上印有裝配模型的簡(jiǎn)要說(shuō)明.Simple directions for assembling the model are printed on the box.
- 用黏土做小馬模型to model a little horse out of clay
- 用木片做船的模型to model a ship out of bits of wood
- 時(shí)針實(shí)際上是以日昝上的陰影為模型的。The hands are actually modeled after the shadow on a sundial.
- 他一塊一塊地裝配飛機模型.He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit.