- CAR構件技術(shù)CAR
- 基于CAR構件技術(shù)的智能掌上設備操作系統Smart Handset Operating System Based on CAR Component Technique
- 結合CAR構件技術(shù)與腳本語(yǔ)言,提高應用程序的模塊化程度,加速應用程序的開(kāi)發(fā)過(guò)程。The combination of CAR component technique and scripting languages makes the modules of an application more clearly. The efficiency of developing application is also improved.
- CAR構件CAR component
- 基于CAR構件的面向方面編程聚合模型的研究Research on aggregation model of AOP based on CAR
- 基于軟構件技術(shù)的艦用導航設備故障診斷系統Intelligent Malfunction Diagnosis of Ship Navigation Equipment Based on Software Component Technology
- 構件技術(shù)component technology
- 軟件構件技術(shù)software component technology; software building block technology
- 軟件復用和軟件構件技術(shù)software reuse and software component technology
- CCM構件技術(shù)的研究與實(shí)現Research and Implementation of the CCM Component Technology
- 基于CAR構件技術(shù)的普適計算平臺研究Study of Pervasive Computing Platform Based on CAR Component Technology
- 構件化技術(shù)component - based technology
- 構件技術(shù)在可視化精確度描述中的應用Application of Technology of Component- Based in Visualized Precision Description
- 構件模型技術(shù)component model technology
- 可復用構件技術(shù)在MIS開(kāi)發(fā)中的應用研究Applied Study of MIS Development with Reusable Component Technology
- AOP技術(shù)輔助構件測試的應用研究The Research of the Application of AOP Technical Assistance Component Testing
- 基于構件技術(shù)的衛星地球站站控系統的設計模型A Design Model for the Monitor and Control System of Component-Based Satellite Earth Stations
- 構件庫技術(shù)的研究與發(fā)展The Research and Development of the Technologies in Component Library
- 該設計將DSS與軟構件相結合,用專(zhuān)家系統的軟構件技術(shù)艦用導航設備智能故障診斷系統軟件。In this plan,combine DSS with software component,the software component technology of expert system(ES) is applied to exploit the software of intelligent malfunction diagnosis system for navigation equipment.
- 軟件構件內置測試技術(shù)研究The Software Component Built-In-Test Technology