- BS分布Birnbaum-Saunders life distribution
- 分布distributed
- 任何有局部疊加的De Wijs模擬結果均服從MS分布模式,而基本的De Wijs模擬結果卻服從BS分布模式。Any basic De Wijs model follows BS pattern, whereas the De Wijs model with local superimposition obeys MS pattern, which is in agreement with the results of the method of moments.
- 均勻分布homogeneous distribution
- 泊松分布Poisson distribution
- bs線(xiàn)規brown and sharpe wire gage
- 平均分布hypodispersion
- 概率分布probability distribution
- 分布情況distribution situation
- 空間分布directional distribution
- 人口分布population distribution
- 分布不均maldistribution
- 分布規律distribution rule
- 分布的nonconcentrated
- 高斯分布gaussian distribution
- 廣泛分布wide distribution
- 指數分布exponential distribution
- 地理分布geographic(al) distribution
- 分布廣泛的widespread
- 分布函數distillation function