- BCM碼編譯碼算法的研究Research on Coding and Decoding Algorithms for BCM Codes
- 本論文簡(jiǎn)要介紹了RS碼的結構,分析了RS碼編譯碼算法,使用查表法實(shí)現快速的有限域運算,采用Berlekamp-Massey代數譯碼算法。In this paper, we simply introduce the RS code structure, analyze RS code encoding/decoding arithmetic, realize fast operation in finity field by using look-up tables method, and use Berlekamp-Messey algebiaic decoding algorithm.
- 本文在傳統的遺傳算法的基礎上,對車(chē)間調度算法進(jìn)行了深入的研究。In this paper, the shop floor scheduling algorithm is studied.
- 群體智能優(yōu)化算法的研究進(jìn)展與展望Prospect and research for swarm intelligence optimum algorithm
- 為了克服傳統調制碼的弊端,提出了一種適用于DHSS新的調制碼:調制-陣列碼的編譯碼方法及其相應的軟判決度量方法。In order to improve effect of traditional modulation code, a new modulation-array (MA) code and a novel soft-decision method corresponding to MA code are proposed for data processing in DHSS.
- 表面紋理磁盤(pán)滑動(dòng)接觸的溫度和應力及退磁臨界條件的研究Coupled Temperature-displacement Finite Element Analysis of a Slider Sliding Contact with a Textured Disk Surface and the Critical Condition for Demagnetization
- RS碼的譯碼算法及軟件實(shí)現Principle and Software Implementation of RS Code Decoding in Time Domain
- 逆向工程中點(diǎn)云數據壓縮算法的研究與改進(jìn)Present condition and improvement of calculate way research of point cloud data compression in contrary engineering
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- "在第九樓,我們研究做研究用的儀器," --亨德森先生開(kāi)的小玩笑。"On Floor Nine, we research into the instruments that do the research" - Mr Henderson's little joke.
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- 向心透平內部流動(dòng)的研究Numerical Investigation of the Fluid Flow Inside Radial Inflow Turbine
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- RS譯碼的Euclid算法及其FPGA實(shí)現Euclidian algorithm and Its Implementation in RS Decoder
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- 獸用中藥研制與申報工作中有關(guān)質(zhì)量標準研究的技術(shù)要求Essential Requirements for Researching and Drafting Quality Control Criteria of New Traditional Chinese Medicines for Animal Use