- AGB星AGB stars
- 外賦AGB星extrinsic AGB Star
- 內稟AGB星intrinsic AGB stars
- post-AGB星的演化特征The Evolution Characters of Post-AGB Stars
- AGB星重疊因子的計算與分析A Calculation and Analysis of AGB Star's Overlap Factor
- 湍流應力對AGB星結構與演化的影響The Influence of Turbulent Stress to Structure and Evolution of AGB Star
- 一種AGB星外包層元素豐度的計算方法A Calculative Method of Element Abundances in the Envelope of AGB Stars
- 雙子星binary star
- 北斗七星Triones
- AGBmetal-poor AGB star
- 男星male star
- AgB亞單位抗原AgB subunit antigen
- 微星pint-size star
- 豬囊尾蚴AgB基因Cysticercus cellulosae AgB gene
- 外星extraterrestrial
- 星探talent
- 恒星在A(yíng)GB階段的結構演化及其特征The stellar's evolutionary features at AGB stage
- 多星starry
- 闊葉林的AGB與年齡有一定的相關(guān)性(R2=0.792);for the Broadleaf and Masson pine mix forest,the age is correlated to the AGB(R~2=0.792);
- 追星star-pursuing