- 群之新基本特性在廣義 Boole 代數上的推廣Extension of the New Basic Characteristics of Groups In Generalized Boolean Algebras
- 關(guān)于標準分層代數與它的多項式代數上的濾鏈維數On the Filtration Dimensions of a Standardly Stratified Algebra and Its Polynomial Algebra
- 其次我們又對作用在空間H?K上的2×2上三角算子矩陣的Drazin譜問(wèn)題進(jìn)行了討論。Furthermore, we discuss the Drazinspectrum of 2 x 2 upper triangular operator matrices on H (?)
- 擬三角Hopf代數上的辮子Doi-Hopf模的廣義積分和Maschke型定理(英文)A Generalized Integrals and Maschke Type Theorem for Braided Doi-Hopf Modules over Quasitriangular Hopf Algebras
- 在身體或器官上的切口(特別是外科醫生做局部手術(shù)時(shí))the cutting of or into body tissues or organs (especially by a surgeon as part of an operation)
- 有限可約化李代數上不變量函數的傅立葉變換Fourier Transforms of Invariant Functions on Finite Reductive Lie Algebra
- 找到了他留在殺人兇器上的指紋印,那意味著(zhù)他末日來(lái)臨了。Finding his fingerprints on the murder weapon signed his death warrant.
- 半單代數上的模的刻劃Express of module over the semi-simple algebra
- 母雞啄起地面上的谷粒。The hen pecked up the grains on the ground.
- 拆卸所有檢測設備,開(kāi)啟裝置上的2號關(guān)閉閥。Remove all test equipment and open No. 2 shutoff valve of the device.
- 二次李代數上對稱(chēng)不變雙線(xiàn)性型所成空間的維數The Dimension of The Space of Invariant Symmetric Bilinear Forms on a Quadratic Lie Algebra
- 馬斯洛斯修改帳本上的項目之前良心上有一番短暫的爭戰。Matthews struggled briefly with his conscience before making the false entries in the accounts book.
- 拆卸所有檢測設備,開(kāi)啟裝置上的2號關(guān)閉閥。Remove all test equipment and open No. 2 shutoff valve of the device.
- 算子代數上的兩類(lèi)可加映射Two Kinds of Additive Maps on Operator Algebras
- 頭皮上的真菌感染局部禿頭。fungal infection of the scalp characterized by bald patches.
- 弱擬Hopf代數上的積分理論Integral Theory over the Weak Quasi-Hopf Algebra
- 在局部區域上的兩參數奇異攝動(dòng)邊值問(wèn)題The Singularly Perturbed Boundary Value Problems with Two Parameters on a Subdomain
- 布爾代數上的Fuzzy同余關(guān)系Fuzzy Congruence Relations on Boolean Algebra