- ACC氧化酶1(ACO1)ACC oxidase 1 ( ACO1 )
- 血紅素氧化酶1Heme oxygenase 1
- ACC氧化酶ACC oxidase
- 乙醛氧化酶1Hepatocyte
- ACC氧化酶基因ACC oxidase gene
- a-ACO1a-ACO 1
- ACC氧化酶(ACO)ACC oxidase
- 2型糖尿病患者外周血單核細胞血紅素氧化酶1的表達Expression of monocyte inducible heme oxygenase-1 in type 2 diabetic patients
- 血紅素氧化酶1基因在慢性肺心病大鼠支氣管中的定位表達Expression of heme oxygenase-1 in the bronchis of rats with chronic col pulmonale
- 重組甘蔗ACC氧化酶recombinant sugarcane ACC oxidase
- 什么是1-2連擊?What is one-two?
- 2比1,倫敦隊勝。Two to one in favour of the London team.
- ACC氧化酶的測定方法A Kind of Assay Methods for ACC Oxidase
- 1Fructose 1
- 1.花招sleight of hand
- 1. 口才the gift of the gab
- 機場(chǎng)指揮中心(ACC)似乎正在根據已建立的程序發(fā)揮功效。Airport Command Center (ACC) appears to function according to established procedures.
- 1. 凌晨the wee small hours
- ACC氧化酶基因(ACO)ACC oxidase gene (ACO)
- 1.挑戰throw down the gauntlet