- A型顯示器A-scope
- A型顯示器(距離顯示器)A scope(range indicator)
- A型超聲儀,A型顯示器A-scope
- A型顯示器A scope
- A型A Mode; A-form
- J型顯示器J-scope
- A型血blood group A
- 型顯示器G scope G
- A型極光aurora of type A
- 矩陣型顯示器matrix display
- A型柱A-shaped column
- E型顯示器E display
- A型車(chē)A-type vehicle
- I型顯示器I indicator
- A型圓盤(pán)耙A-type disk harrow
- I型顯示器,徑向圖形掃描的三度空間顯示器I scope
- A型沸石zeolite A
- 下面我們將集中探討對電視型顯示器的直接接口。We will concentrate here on the direct interface to a television-type display.
- A型DNAA-form DNA
- A/R型顯示器A and R display