- A何蘭托苷Aholantosine
- 葡糖鈴蘭皂苷Aglucoconvallasaponin A
- 蘭托斯和吉阿奇提在修復青銅雕像時(shí)忠于原作。Both Lantos and Giacheth work toward conserving the bronze while remaining faithful to the original.
- 遠志皂苷A、B、C、Dsenega-saponin A, B, C, D
- 托曼托苷元tomentogenin
- 不僅A而且not merely A but also B
- 葡糖吉托苷glucogitoroside
- 把A誤以為take A for B
- "一間公司,從事電子信息產(chǎn)業(yè),雅虎肯定有很多秘密地回答了,"蘭托斯說(shuō),一位民主黨人。"For a firm engaged in the information industry, Yahoo sure has a lot of secrecy to answer for," said Lantos, a Democrat.
- 把A視為looked upon A as B
- 紫花吉托苷purpureagitoside
- 把A比喻compare A to B
- 中性音的發(fā)音時(shí)舌頭位于中間位置的,即不高也不低,如:around中的a音Pronounced with the tongue in a middle position, neither high nor low, as the a in around.
- 木托wooden block
- 1881年7月2日,詹姆斯·A·加菲爾德總統被一個(gè)失望的謀求官職者槍擊President James A. Garfield was shot by a disappointed office seeker on July2,1881.
- 艾茲薩貝特·蘭托斯把王子頭部里面的泥土型芯的殘留物取走。這是非常必要的,因為泥土里滿(mǎn)是海鹽,它會(huì )繼續腐蝕青銅。Remnants of the original clay core were removed from inside the prince's head by Erzsebet Lantos,a necessity because the clay is laden with sea salts,which would have continued to damage the bronze.
- 把A換成exchange A for B
- 我得了一個(gè)A-。I got an A minus.
- 止瀉木苷,何蘭托苷Holantosine
- 把A誤認為mistake A for B