- 8031控制的CRT顯示器The CRT Display Controlled by 8031
- 探魚(yú)儀CRT顯示器適配的CRT控制器設計CRT Controller Designed for Echo Sounder CRT Display
- 可大幅度調節使用寬度和高度,同時(shí)滿(mǎn)足15~24英寸的CRT顯示器和液晶顯示器的使用。Could adjust usage width and altitude by a wide margin, suitable for both the 15 ~ 24 inches of CRT monitor and LCD monitor at same time.
- 一個(gè)8031單片機控制的數字濾波系統A Digital Filtering System Controled by a Single Chip Microcomputer 8031
- 就尺寸、分辨率尤其是價(jià)格而言,還看不出不久的將來(lái)有什么其它的技術(shù)有可能代替臺式機的CRT顯示器。Nothing on the horizon looks likely to replace the desktop CRT anytime soon on the basis of display size, resolution and -- particularly -- price.
- 通過(guò)對照可控制的情形來(lái)估計易變的影響的各式各樣的程序。the procedure that is varied in order to estimate a variable's effect by comparison with a control condition.
- 一種適配8031單片機的CRT圖形顯示系統The Graphic Display System Adapted for the 8031 Microcontroller
- 進(jìn)步派系要求建立由政府占有和控制的儲備制度和貨幣供應。The progressive faction demanded a reserve system and currency supply owned and controlled by the government.
- 失去控制的發(fā)動(dòng)機a wildcat engine
- 提高CRT顯示器對比度的方法Methods Increasing Contrast Ratio of CRT Display
- 有組織地反對權威;一個(gè)集團想從另一個(gè)集團奪取控制的沖突。organized opposition to authority; a conflict in which one faction tries to wrest control from another.
- 淺談CRT顯示器中的消磁電路設計Design of degaussing circuit in CRT display
- 將電路改動(dòng)為一個(gè)正弦的DPO后,得到了一個(gè)由8031控制的相位連續的BFSK調制輸出。DPO will be a sinusoidal DPO by improving the circuit. A good quality FSK output are easily obtained with good phase continuity which is controlled by using 8031 microcotroller.
- MC6847構成的CRT顯示器接口及其應用Interface of CRT Monitor Composed of MC 6847 and its Application
- 本文論證了超高壓輸電線(xiàn)路線(xiàn)性二次優(yōu)化控制的若干問(wèn)題。This paper addresses problems in linear quadratic optimal control of EHT transmission line.
- 工頻磁場(chǎng)對微機CRT顯示器的干擾與防治Interference and Prevention for Power Frequency Magnetic Field to Computer CRT Display
- 他是客觀(guān)環(huán)境的犧牲者(他所遇到的事是他無(wú)法控制的).He was a victim of circumstance(s), ie What happened to him was beyond his control.
- 計算機CRT顯示器信息輻射檢測系統的研究Research on the information radiation inspection system of CRT display equipment
- 對計算機安全控制的成功而重復的破壞,其結果可能是侵入該系統。Any successful and repeatable defeat of a computer's security controls which could result in a penetration of the system.
- 計算機CRT顯示器維修技術(shù)學(xué)習的實(shí)驗方法A simple way of how to maintain CRT monitor