- 麥道DC-10McDonnell DC-10
- 麥道夫欺詐案Madoff Fraud
- 經(jīng)典喬麥道科短片Vintage Joe McDoakes Short So You Think You're A Nervous Wreck
- 先生,您要的麥道克葡萄酒。Your Medoc, sir.
- 10是5的倍數。10 is a multiple of 5.
- 文中介紹美國麥道宇航公司對纖維復合材料中產(chǎn)生孔隙原因的評述。This paper introduces an overview of causes on porosity in fiber composites described by McDonnell Douglas Aerospace.
- 用4乘以10multiply 10 by 4
- 賺得10英鎊to gain ten pounds
- B7-DCB7-DC
- 麥道的高級主管企業(yè)營(yíng)銷(xiāo)在預科階段說(shuō),國際空間站被選中,是因為它有一個(gè)計劃,采取公司通過(guò)所有要求。Doug Medina, senior director of enterprise marketing at Huges, said ISS was chosen because it had a program to take the company through all the requirements.
- 這趟行程10英鎊夠用嗎?Will 10 suffice for the trip?
- 5除10得2。5 goes into 10 twice.
- 事實(shí)是,1994年2月,中國航空技術(shù)進(jìn)出口總公司與美國麥道公司簽訂了購買(mǎi)二手設備的合同,共進(jìn)口機械加工設備和儀器200多臺(件)。In fact, in February 1994, CATIC and McDonnell Douglas signed a second-hand equipment purchase contract, to the effect of importing over 200 sets of machining equipment and instruments.
- 因搶劫被判處10年徒刑to get ten years for robbery
- 還欠10美元。There are still ten dollars owing.
- 約10磅around ten pounds
- 這輛卡車(chē)最大載重量是10噸。The maximum load for this truck is ten ton.
- 15減5得10。15 minus 5 leaves 10.