- 鴨疫里默氏桿菌(RA)Riemerella anatipestifer
- 鴨疫里默氏桿菌病Remerella anatipestifer disease
- I型鴨疫里默氏桿菌Riemerella anatipestifer (I)
- 野鴨鴨疫里默氏桿菌的分離與鑒定Isolation and Identification of Riemerella Anatipestifer from Mallard Ducks
- 鴨疫里默氏菌病Riernerella anatipestifer
- 鴨疫里默氏桿菌RARiemerella anatipestifer
- 默silent
- 鴨疫里默菌Riemerella anatipestifer
- 里默氏桿菌Riemerlla Anatipestifer
- 鴨疫病毒Duck enteritis virus; Duck plague virus
- 用于治療阿耳茨海默氏病和青光眼。used in treatment of Alzheimer's disease and glaucoma.
- 巴氏桿菌感染Pasteurella infection
- 鴨疫皰疹毒病Duck-plague herpesvirus
- 約內氏桿菌Johne's bacillus
- 關(guān)于澳大利亞制度的詳細情節,我要感謝在澳洲的英國傳教士洛里默·斐孫牧師.For the detailed facts of the Australian system I am indebted to the Rev. Lorimer Fison, an English missionary in Australia.
- 莫氏桿菌屬Moraxella
- 毒扁豆堿一種結晶的生物堿,c15h21n3o2,從毒扁平中提取,在醫學(xué)中用作縮瞳藥和膽堿能劑,用于提高阿耳茨海默氏病人的記憶力A crystalline alkaloid, C15H21N3O2, extracted from the Calabar bean, used in medicine as a miotic and cholinergic agent and to enhance memory in patients with Alzheimer's disease.
- 鴨疫里氏桿菌病滅活疫苗的研制Development of the dead vaccine against Riemerella anatipestifer infection
- 禽巴氏桿菌avian PasteureUa multocida
- 布魯氏桿菌過(guò)brucellergin