- 高G值尸體試驗high G-level cadaver test
- 高腳螺帽hex coupling nuts(high nuts)
- 子帶極值Subband extreme value
- 高水分小麥wheat with high moisture
- 25%戊唑醇乳油防治香蕉葉斑病藥效試驗Ettect of 25%25 Tebuconazole EC on controlling banana leaf spot diseases
- 產(chǎn)品脆值的數值計算方法Numerical Algorithm of Product Fragility
- 巖石類(lèi)介質(zhì)SHPB試驗加載波形的數值分析Numerical Analysis of Loading Waveform in SHPB Tests of Rock-Like Medium
- 總督的薪俸極高。The governor is paid a very high stipend.
- 有效儲層物性下限值的確定方法Determination Methods of the Petrophysical Lower Limit Value for the Effective Reservoir
- 礦山機械故障診斷控制值的確定方法Determinate method of control value for fault diagnosis in mine machine
- 煙火藥中雄黃和高氯酸鉀含量的測定Determination Method of Red Orpiment and Potassium Perchlorate in Pyrotechnic Composition
- 斷奶仔豬日糧電解質(zhì)平衡值的測定與分析Determination and Analysis of Dietary Electrolyte Balance Value of Ration of Weanling Piglets
- 如果橋建得再高些,這只船就能通過(guò)了。If the bridge was built higher,the boat could get under.
- 高能重離子碰撞中能量密度和粒子密度數值分析Numerical Analysis of Energy Density and Particle Density in High Energy Heavy-ion Collisions
- 高效液相色譜法測定手性四面體金屬簇合物對映體過(guò)量值Determiantion of Enantiomer Excess Value of Chiral Tetrahedrane-type Metal Cluster Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- 高保真度的唱片﹑ 錄音帶﹑ 收音機.hi-fi records, tapes, radios
- 高負荷跨音壓氣機葉尖間隙流動(dòng)的數值分析與比較Numerical Analysis and Comparison of the Tip-Clearance Flow of a High-Loading Transonic Compressor
- 岸坡開(kāi)挖擾動(dòng)對天津港高樁碼頭結構安全性影響的數值分析Numerical Analysis of Influence of Slope Soil Excavation on Safety of High-Rise Piers in Tianjin Port
- 若港幣換人民幣的匯率高的話(huà),我準備把所帶的港幣全部換成人民幣。If the current Renminbi price of the Hong Kong dollar is high enough,I will sell all I have with me for Renminbi.
- 對已建成的所采煤炭屬于高硫份、高灰份的煤礦,應當按照國務(wù)院批準的規劃,限期建成配套的煤炭洗選設施。If the coal mined from an established coal mine is of high-sulfur or high-ash,supporting facilities for the dressing of coal by washing shall be installed within a time limit in accordance with the plan approved by the State Council.