- 高Cr鋼high chrome steel
- 9%Cr鋼9 %25 Cr steel
- 低Cr鋼low Cr steel
- 高Cr低活性F/M鋼high-chromium reduced-activation F/M steels
- 高Crhigh Cr content
- 在實(shí)驗室中用CaSi,Ba,Ce做18%Cr鋼液的脫磷研究。An investigation of dephosphorization of molten steel conta-ing 18%25 Cr with CaSi, Ba, Ce was made in the laboratory.
- 高Cr鑄鐵hi-Cr cast iron
- 高Cr合金high Cr-containing alloy
- 高分high score
- 鑄鋼cast(carbon) steel
- 偏高on the high side
- 高新high-new
- 螺紋鋼deformed steel bar
- 高Cr白口鑄鐵Cr- rich white cast iron
- 帶鋼band steel
- 塑鋼plastic steel
- 多高how tall
- 至高paramount
- 輕鋼龍骨lightgage steel joist
- 層高height between floors