- 高千伏X線(xiàn)攝影high kilovoltage radiography
- 高千伏X線(xiàn)攝影術(shù)high kilovoltage radiography
- 高千伏x線(xiàn)攝片機high-KV X-ray shoot apparatus
- 高千伏X線(xiàn)攝影(術(shù))high kilovoltage radiography
- 高千伏X射線(xiàn)攝影High-kV radiography
- 在線(xiàn)in-line
- 高電壓X線(xiàn)攝影,高千伏X線(xiàn)攝影high kilovoltage radiography
- 高電壓X線(xiàn)攝影,高千伏X線(xiàn)攝影術(shù)high kilovoltage radiography
- 乳腺X線(xiàn)攝影Mammography
- 間接DR拍攝正位胸片的適宜管電壓為80~100 kV,高千伏攝影不再適用于DR。The optimal tube potential for chest DR is considered to be 80~100 kVp,while the high KV technique is no longer suitable for digital equipment.
- X線(xiàn)CR攝影X-ray computer radiography(CR)
- 高千伏攝影high kilovoltage radiography
- 子宮輸卵管照相,子宮輸卵管X線(xiàn)攝影,子宮輸卵管造影術(shù)uterosalpingography
- 高千伏鋇劑灌腸high kilovoltage barium enema
- 子宮輸卵管照相術(shù),子宮輸卵管X線(xiàn)攝影,子宮輸卵管造影術(shù)uterosalpingography
- 塵肺胸部高千伏平片與CT的對比研究The comparative study of chest high kilovoltage plain film and CT of pneumoconiosis
- 斷層攝影術(shù)X線(xiàn)Tomagraph
- 子宮輸卵管照相,子宮輸卵管X線(xiàn)攝影(術(shù)), 子宮輸卵管造影術(shù)uterosalpingography
- 斷層成像,層析X線(xiàn)攝影法,X線(xiàn)體層攝影,X線(xiàn)斷層成像,X線(xiàn)斷層(術(shù))tomography
- 碘化銫/非晶硅數字攝影系統拍攝胸片的適宜管電壓:高千伏攝影是否適用于間接DROptimal Beam Tube Potential for the CsI/a:Si Flat Panel Digital Chest Radiography:Whether High KV Technique Still Suitable for Digital Equipment