- 非O1非O139型霍亂弧菌Non-Ol Non-O139 Vibrio cholerae
- 目的 建立一種快速、敏感的診斷方法 ,用于檢測和區分霍亂弧菌O1群古典型 (CVC)、埃爾托型 (EVC)、O139群和非O1非O139群。Objective To explore the rapid and sensitive procedures for d etection and differentiation of O1 classical(CVC), El Tor(EVC), O139 and nonO1 n onO139 strains of Vibrio cholerae.
- PCR產(chǎn)物經(jīng)電泳 ,根據擴增條帶的大小和數目 ,可檢測和區分CVC、EVC、O139群和非O1非O139群。CVC, EVC, O139 and nonO1 nonO139 strains ca n be detected and differentiated by the size and numbers of Multiplex PCR bands via electrophoresis.
- 非羧化型丁苯膠乳noncarboxylated type of SB latex
- 小麥銹菌wheat rust
- 稈銹病菌wheat stem rust
- 他力營(yíng)養菌heterotrophic bacteria; hypotrophic bacteria; paratropic bacteria
- W型蓄熱式輻射管表面溫度分布的數值模擬Numericai simulation on the surface temperature distribution of a W-shaped radiant-tube with regenerative burners
- 丁香(Eugenia Caryophyllata Thumb)是一種鎮痛、抗菌等藥效的中藥,其揮發(fā)油常用于牙科鎮痛和消毒。Eugenia Caryophyllata Thunb is a Chinese medicinalerb with analgesic, antibacterial and some other effects. Its essential oil is often used for Pain-relief and sterilization in dentistry.