- 非本征F-P干涉儀extrinsic Fabry- Perot interferometer
- 非本征光纖F-P腔extrinsic F-P cavity
- 共焦球面F-P干涉儀confocal concave spherical mirror cavity F-P interferometer
- 激光器陣列的非本征理想因子Extrinsic Ideality Factor of Laser Array
- 共焦球面F-P干涉儀測量液體折射率和濃度的實(shí)驗研究Experimental Study on Refractive Index and Concentration Measurement of Liquid by Confocal Concave Spherical Mirror Cavity F-P Interferometer
- 征journey
- 對于更長(cháng)的波長(cháng),有許多非本征光電導器件可用。For longer wavelengths a number of extrinsic photoconductive devices exist.
- 正本original
- 本站home station
- 不到長(cháng)城非好漢He who has never been to the Great Wall is not a true man.
- 本年度this year
- 本店head store
- 本位standard
- 本票cashier's check
- 本名autonym
- 本公司our company
- 本機local
- 專(zhuān)升本upgrade from junior college student to university student; students with the diploma of junior college try to obtain the undergraduate diplomat through self-taught study
- 本征波coupled wave
- 為了在A(yíng)TM網(wǎng)上使用非本機的協(xié)議,客戶(hù)機必須運行一個(gè)LEC。In order to use a nonnative protocol on an ATM network, the client has to run an LEC.