- 具有下層目標的多組線(xiàn)性二次微分對策的非劣Nash開(kāi)環(huán)策略Open - Loop Non - inferior Nash Strategies of Linear Quadratic Multi-Team Differential Games with Subordinate Objectives
- 非劣Nash策略non - inferior Nash strategy
- 非劣解noninferior solution
- 非劣集noninferior set
- 非劣效Noninferiority
- 安全策略security policy
- 非標nonstandard
- 政府采取了大規模緊縮通貨的策略。The government adopted a strategy of massive deflation.
- 非劣排序non-dominated sorting
- 策略性tactic
- 不同的情勢需要不同的策略。Different circumstances call for different tactics.
- [諺]賢父難免生劣子。Many a good father hath but a bad son.
- 【諺】羅馬非朝夕建成。Rome was not build in a day.
- 他們很不策略地造成普遍的不滿(mǎn)。They contributed tactlessly to a general discontent.
- 馬劣動(dòng)怪馬鞍壞。The fault of the horse is put on the saddle.
- 非接觸non-contact
- 他在辯論中的策略是先直接抨擊政府的政策.His opening gambit at the debate was a direct attack on Government policy.
- 展覽會(huì )上的畫(huà)都是劣作。It was an exhibition of daubs.
- 海岸非任何人私有。There is no property in the seashore.
- "以鄰為壑" 策略beggar-my-neighbor tactics