- 霍亂弧菌噬菌體K型Vibrio cholerae type K phage
- 霍亂弧菌噬菌體choleraphage
- 霍亂弧菌小川型在人膽汁中存活和變異及其血清型別轉換的分子生物學(xué)研究Molecular biological study on the survival, variation and serotype conversion of vibrio cholerae ogawa strains in human bile
- 霍亂弧菌噬菌體Ⅰ群Vibrio cholerae group Ⅰ phage
- 雖然尚未經(jīng)實(shí)驗室確認有霍亂弧菌,但臨床癥狀表明霍亂的存在。Although V. Cholerae has not yet been laboratory confirmed, the clinical symptoms indicate the presence of cholera.
- 霍亂弧菌噬菌體Ⅱ群Vibrio cholerae group Ⅱ phage
- 非典型霍亂弧菌noncholera vibrios
- 副溶血弧菌噬菌體V. parahaemolyticus bacteriophage
- 蛭弧菌噬菌體MAC1Bdellovibrio phage MAC1
- 副溶血性弧菌食物中毒菌株的血清型、耐藥性及基因檢測Serotype, resistance, tdh and trh gene analysis of food poison strain in Vibrio papahaemolyticus
- 霍亂弧嗜菌體choleraphage
- 弧菌屬噬菌體Vibrio phage
- 弧菌,霍亂Vibrio cholerae
- 非弧菌性霍亂non-vibrio cholera
- 副霍亂弧菌[醫] paracholera vibrios
- 副霍亂溶血性弧菌vibrio para haemolyticus
- 霍亂弧菌素vibriocin
- 改良熒光菌球法檢測黃浦江原水中霍亂弧菌及其耐藥特征分析Application of modified immunofluorescence colonies method to detect Vibrio cholerae in natural river and antibiotic resistance analysis
- 霍亂弧菌O139V. cholerae O139
- O139霍亂弧菌Vibrio cholerae O139