- 錐束XCT重建算法的實(shí)現The Implementation of XCT Reconstruction Algorithms
- 目前錐束CT普遍采用FDK算法,該算法基于單圓源軌,在小錐角下取得較好的重建效果。FDK method is the most common kind of 3D image reconstruction algorithm in cone beam CT at present, which is based on a scanning circle and reconstructs images satisfactorily in the small cone angle case.
- 針對迭代干擾抵消算法的復雜度,本文研究了多種降低算法復雜度的實(shí)現方法。Focusing on the complexity of IIC algorithms, we propose different methods to reduce them.
- 基于轉角增量關(guān)系的FDK錐束重建改進(jìn)算法Modified FDK cone-beam reconstruction algorithm based on relationship of rotation angle increment
- (道德方面)促進(jìn),提高,社會(huì )進(jìn)步提高社會(huì ),道德和智力標準的努力或運動(dòng)An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 微控制器的GPRS無(wú)線(xiàn)終端的實(shí)現the Realization of Wireless Terminal GPRS in Micro Controller Unit
- 一種自適應陣列信號處理算法的高速實(shí)現The high-speed realization of an adaptive array algorithm
- 除非思維過(guò)程與目的的實(shí)現毫無(wú)關(guān)系;if thought processes were irrelevant to the achievement of purpose;
- 支持優(yōu)先級的FCFS算法的研究;the FCFS with priority algorithm;
- 強流脈沖離子束燒蝕等離子體向背景氣體中噴發(fā)的數值研究Numerical research on intense pulsed ion beam ablation plasma expansion into ambient gases
- 雙以太網(wǎng)技術(shù)在不同系統上的實(shí)現the Implementation of Dual Ethernet Technology on Deferent System
- 基于遺傳算法的零維內彈道模型最大膛壓的計算Determination of Internal Ballistics Zero Dimension Model Maxi-pressure Point Based on Genetic Algorithm
- 自動(dòng)頂空衍生化固相微萃取法測定啤酒中的老化醛類(lèi)化合物Determination of stale aldehydes in beer by headspace solid-phase microextraction and automatic precolumn derivatization
- 數值流形方法在八結點(diǎn)有限元網(wǎng)格上的實(shí)現Numerical manifold method on eight-node isoparametric element meshes
- 其一是材料不但具有高的比強度,而且重量較輕;其二是耐腐蝕。light weight manifested in the form of high specific properties, or corrosion resistance.
- 同倫算法的常微分方程數值解法及在機構學(xué)中的應用Numerical Solution of General Differential Equations for Homology Continuation Algorithm and Its Application to Mechanism Synthesis
- 膠束電動(dòng)色譜在線(xiàn)推掃富集技術(shù)測定醬油中的防腐劑苯甲酸含量Determination of benzoic acid in soy by MEKC and on-line sweeping technique
- 一個(gè)小組能在兩星期或更少時(shí)間內實(shí)現的功能特性就是理想的功能特性。The ideal feature is one that can be implemented by a team in two weeks or less.
- 基于散亂數據的層次B-樣條曲面重構算法的數值模擬Numerical Value Simulation of Hierarchy B-Spline Surface Reconstruction Based on Scattered Data
- 根據參數生成數值柵格要素,它具有指定的范圍大小和數值,并輸入轉換流程。NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.