- 基于金屬Gd的室溫旋轉式磁致冷演示樣機的設計A Prototype Design of Revolving Magnet Refrigeration at Ambient Temperature with Metal Gd
- 金屬Gdmetal Gd
- 針對近年來(lái)國際上取得突破性進(jìn)展的GdSiGe系合金,首先以國產(chǎn)2N級和3N級金屬Gd為原料,對Gd_5Si_2Ge_2合金的一級磁相變和巨磁熱效應的重現性進(jìn)行了研究;Firstly, native 2N and 3N Gd are used to try to repeat the magnetocaloric properties of GdsSi2Ge2 alloy reported by scientists of Ames Lab (AL).
- 他們把廢金屬熔化掉。They melted down metal scrap.
- 這種合金是用兩種金屬熔合而成的。This alloy is formed by the fusion of two types of metal.
- 金和銀是容易加工的金屬。Gold and silver are tractable metals.
- 油保護金屬免于生銹。Oil preserves metal from rust.
- 他把那彎曲的金屬片弄直了。He straightened the bent strip.
- 金子是貴重金屬。Gold is a rare metal.
- 建筑工人為了防護而帶金屬頭盔。The construction workers wore metal helmets for protection.
- 對該金屬進(jìn)行了分析。The metal was submitted to analysis.
- 該國建立了戰略性金屬材料貯備。The country built up a stockpile of strategic metals.
- 傘的骨架是金屬制的。The frame of the umbrella is made of metal.
- 將酸和金屬放在一起會(huì )引起反應。Putting an acid and a metal together causes a reaction.
- 難加工的金屬an intractable metal
- 他用金屬絲把籃子綁在腳踏車(chē)上。He wired the basket to the bicycle.
- 這堵圍欄用金屬絲加固了。The fence was strengthened with wire.
- 大多數金屬能導電。Most metals conduct electricity.
- 酸腐蝕金屬很快。The acid eats into metals quickly.
- 你知道酸腐蝕金屬的原因嗎?Do you know the cause of bad losing metal?