- 輸卵管Mullugan帽除去術(shù)Removal of Mulligan hood from fallopian tube
- 將墨盒上的保護帽除去;Remove the protection cap securing henge.
- 盆腔清除術(shù);盆腔臟器除去術(shù)pelvic exenteration
- 葡萄胎或絨毛膜癌除去術(shù)Removal of molar pregnancy or choriocarcinoma
- 術(shù)method
- 帽hat
- 外耳道異物除去術(shù),使用耳道鏡Ear canal foreign body removal with otoscope
- 輸卵管Fallopian tube
- 除去get rid of
- 蓋帽nut cap
- 全盆腔臟器除去術(shù);盆腔臟器全部除去術(shù)total pelvic exenteration
- 棒球帽baseball cap
- 術(shù)后postoperative
- 戴綠帽be a cuckold
- 切除術(shù)resection
- 牛仔帽cowboy hat
- 不學(xué)無(wú)術(shù)be ignorant and incompetent
- 輸卵管結扎術(shù)tubal ligation
- 子宮輸卵管照相,子宮輸卵管X線(xiàn)攝影,子宮輸卵管造影術(shù)uterosalpingography
- 輸卵管縫術(shù)salpingorrhaphy