- 輝鉬礦Re-Os定年molybdenite Re-Os dating
- 定to set
- 輝鉬礦Re-Os法Re-Os dating of molybdenite
- 輝鉬礦Re-Os年齡molybdenite Re-Os isotope age
- 江西武山銅礦南礦帶輝鉬礦Re-Os同位素年齡及其地質(zhì)意義Re-Os Age of Molybdenite from the Southern Ore Zone of the Wushan Copper Deposit, Jiangxi Province, and Its Geological Significance
- 年中midyear
- 安徽銅陵大團山銅礦床層狀矽卡巖礦體中輝鉬礦Re-Os年齡測定及其地質(zhì)意義Re-Os Dating of Molybdenite from Stratiform Skarn Orebodies in the Datuanshan Copper Deposit, Tongling, Anhui Province, and Its Geological Significance
- 流年fleeting time
- 待定undetermined
- 四年four years
- 綁定binding
- 不定indefinite
- 多年來(lái)for the past many years
- 搞定settle
- 年金rente
- 年少juniority
- 定的definite
- 年來(lái)over the last ... years
- 自定make
- 最近幾年the last few years