- 聚氯乙烯透明增強軟管專(zhuān)用料的研制Preparation of special materials for transparent flexible reinforced PVC pipes
- 水箱面罩專(zhuān)用料的研制Development of Special Compound for Water Tank Cover
- 專(zhuān)用special
- 轎車(chē)(n) bus
- 研制to manufacture
- 此產(chǎn)品采用優(yōu)等粉劑再加進(jìn)口高級發(fā)粉調配而成,品質(zhì)高級的油炸食物之專(zhuān)用料。This product uses the best quality flour with high grade.
- 這種軟件的研制超過(guò)5000工作小時(shí),今天我很榮辛地向你們展示它。Over 5,000 hours of work went into this software, and today it's my privilege to bring it to you.
- 小本體聚丙烯專(zhuān)用料生產(chǎn)工藝的優(yōu)化Process Optimization of Special Material Used for Bulk Polypropylene Unit of Small Size
- 蘇聯(lián)和美國在發(fā)射載人宇宙飛船去火星的研制方面,可以說(shuō)是并駕齊驅?zhuān)幌嗌舷隆?/a>Russia and the United States are neck and neck in the race to send a manned spacecraft to Mars.
- 內燃機的研制導致了轎車(chē)和卡車(chē)的發(fā)展。Development of the engine led to cars and trucks.
- 均勻試驗在PVC滴灌帶專(zhuān)用料改性中的應用Uniformity test on the application of special material modification for PVC drop irrigation tape
- 回波模擬器的研制及對衛星雷達高度計發(fā)射前的性能評估Development of return signal simulator for chinese satellite altimeter prelaunch performance assessment
- 國外無(wú)規共聚聚丙烯專(zhuān)用料組成和結構的分析Analysis of Composition and Microstructure of Imported Random Ethylene-Propylene Copolymer Special Resins
- 轎車(chē)用SMC的研制Study on SMC used in cars
- 專(zhuān)用料Special Compound
- 體育院?;@球普修課戰術(shù)方法多媒體測試軟件的研制與應用Exploitation and Development of Multimedia Testing Software on Basketball Tactics Method Course in PE Schools
- 無(wú)紡布專(zhuān)用料non-woven specialties
- 東風(fēng)雪鐵龍轎車(chē)防凍液的研制Developing of Antifreezing Fluid for Dongfeng Citroen Car
- 磨損自補償修復添加劑EDT和ETDM的研制及其摩擦學(xué)效應研究Investigation on Lubricating Additives EDT & EDTM with Wear-Self-Repairing Function and Its Tribological Effect