- 超臨界CO2提取物supercritical carbon dioxide extraction
- 超臨界CO2提取SFE-CO2
- 超臨界CO2流體提取SCF-CO2 extraction
- 超overtake
- 其提取方法主要有3種:水蒸氣蒸餾法、機溶劑浸提法和超臨界co2萃取法。Three main extracting methods are steam distillation, solvent extraction and super critical CO2 extraction.
- 不同強化方法對超臨界CO2萃取人參皂甙的影響Effects of Different Enhanced Methods on Ginsenosides Extraction with Supercritical CO 2 Extraction
- 超臨界CO2supercritical CO2
- 超臨界CO2法SFE CO2
- 超臨界提取Fluid extraction
- 采用GC-MS對超臨界CO2流體萃取的樹(shù)蘭凈油進(jìn)行分析。Aglaia odorate essential oil prepared by supercritical CO2 fluid extraction from aglaia odorate flower was analysed using GC-MS.
- 超臨界COz提取SFE CO2
- 超臨界提取物SFE extract
- 超,臨界CO2萃取supercritical CO2 fluid
- 超臨界流體提取supercritical fluid extraction
- 目的 :研究超臨界CO2 流體萃取 (SFE)法萃取金邊瑞香鮮花中有效成份之一瑞香素的最佳條件。Objective:To study the optium condition of extracting daphnetin,one of the effective components from Daphne odora Thunb fresh flowers by the CO 2 supercritical fluid extraction(SFE).
- 超臨界CO_2提取supercritical CO2 extraction
- 采用差示掃描量熱法 (DSC)研究了在超臨界CO2 以及超臨界CO2 +乙醇作用下溫度和壓力對聚碳酸酯的結晶和熔融行為的影響 .The influences of temperature and pressure on the melting behavior of PC treated by supercritical CO 2 and CO 2+C 2H 5OH have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC).
- 超臨界流體提取法supercritical - CO2 fluid extraition
- 應用超臨界CO2萃取柑桔籽油,經(jīng)GC/M S聯(lián)用技術(shù)分離鑒定出9種脂肪酸,其中亞油酸占44.1%,油酸占24.1%,不飽和脂肪酸達73.41%。Citrus seed oil was extracted by supercritical-CO_2,separated and identified with the GC/MS method. The results indicated that fatty major acids were linoleic acid(44.1%25) and oleic acid(24.1%25),the unsaturated fatty acid content is 73.41%25.
- 小歸芍超臨界提取物Supercritical Fluid Extract of Xiaoguishao