- 諾基亞現場(chǎng)論壇詮釋3GNokia Forum Interprets 3G
- 詮釋annotation
- 在現場(chǎng)on the spot
- 安裝現場(chǎng)erecting bed
- 比賽將有電視現場(chǎng)播出。The race will be telecast live.
- 詮釋學(xué)hermeneutics
- 3G3 G
- 鉑金論壇!Platinum Forum - powered by Discuz!
- 被告堅決聲辯他從來(lái)沒(méi)有在犯罪現場(chǎng)附近。The defendant protested that he had never been near the scene of the crime.
- 鄉鎮論壇Tribune of Villages AND Townships
- 和記3GIreland Hutchison 3G
- 3G鑒權authentication of 3G
- 論壇聯(lián)盟A League Of A Forum
- 思想詮釋The interpretation of thought
- 現場(chǎng)指導on-the-spot guidance
- 沖刺3GLast dash of 3G
- 統計詮釋statistical interpretation
- WiMAX論壇WiMAX Forum
- 不幸的是,那人非常巧妙地證明自己當時(shí)不在現場(chǎng),這使警方迷失了方。It was unfortunate that the police were put off the track by the man's seemingly excellent alibi.
- 3G網(wǎng)絡(luò )3G network