- 要求的失敗率PFDPFD(Probability of Failure on Demand)
- 但仍可存在一定的失敗率及造成足部供區部分功能喪失。Howeve r, there exists incidence of failure and impairment of donor foot function.
- 要求require
- 新手發(fā)明任務(wù)將不會(huì )再有3%的失敗率。The rookie Invention mission no longer has a 3%25 chance of failure.
- 輔修專(zhuān)業(yè)學(xué)術(shù)研究的第二個(gè)特定領(lǐng)域,其要求的課程和學(xué)分比主修課要少A secondary area of specialized academic study, requiring fewer courses or credits than a major.
- 不符合要求的項目nonconforming item
- 失敗率failure rate
- 你的工作質(zhì)量沒(méi)有達到我們要求的水平。The standard of your work has fallen from the level we expect from you.
- 他的失敗主要是懶惰所致。His failure resulted largely from his laziness.
- 達到要求的或預期的標準;成功Reach the required or expected standard; succeed
- 高失敗率high failure rate
- 失敗是成功之母??紤]到這一點(diǎn),他開(kāi)始重新審視這次試驗的失敗。Failure is the mother of success. With this in mind, he began to take a new look at the failure in this experiment.
- 使達到要求的情況condition
- 治療失敗率treatment failure rate
- “不錯,謝謝你,”她說(shuō),“歸根到底史文朋的失敗是由于他不夠敏感。"Yes, thank you," she said. "Swinburne fails, when all is said, because he is, well, indelicate.
- 不符合要求的重量underweight
- 零件失敗率[電] fart-failure rate
- 細菌學(xué)失敗率bacteriological failure rate
- 一個(gè)更大的失敗,并且很有可能成為現實(shí)的是自民黨將成立看守內閣并隨即舉行大選。A bigger loss, and it becomes more likely that the LDP will choose a caretaker leader and then call a general election.
- 指揮官把不符合要求的士兵都清除出去了。The undesirable soldiers were combed out by the commander.