- 虛擬DPU技術(shù)在火電機組仿真機中的應用Application of Virtual DPU Technology in Power Unit Simulators
- 淺析基于虛擬DPU技術(shù)的330MW機組仿真系統開(kāi)發(fā)與調試Analysis on 330MW generation unit simulating system development and debugging based on virtual DPU technology
- 在分布式面向對象的仿真支撐環(huán)境中,對分散控制系統(DCS)仿真采用先進(jìn)的虛擬DPU技術(shù),對仿真模型采用圖形化建模技術(shù)。 由于采用了1套硬件2套模型的方法,降低了仿真機造價(jià)。In the distributed object-oriented simulation environment,virtual DPU technology is used to simulate the DCS of Unit,and the simulation model is realized by graphic modeling technology,in addition,the application of one simulator with multi-models considerably reduces the cost of simulator.
- 虛擬DPU技術(shù)virtual DPU technology
- 虛擬DPUVirtual DPU(Distributed Processing Unit)
- 面向對象虛擬DPU的實(shí)現Realization of object-oriented virtual DPU
- 利用虛擬DPU組建DCS培訓網(wǎng)絡(luò )Establishment of DCS Education Network by Means of Virfual DPU
- 我們缺少技術(shù)工人。We are short of skilled labor.
- 六年的待業(yè)并未使他的技術(shù)荒疏。A six-year lay-off has not rusted his skills.
- 他們還得學(xué)習現代管理技術(shù)。They need to learn modern management techniques.
- 他們已決定逐步引入新技術(shù)。They have decided to phase in the new techniques.
- 應用MATLAB(SIMULINK)和MAX1000+plus虛擬DPU建立控制仿真平臺The Application of MATLAB(SIMULINK) and MAX1000+plus Virtual DPU for Establishing Control Simulation Platform
- 他們是技術(shù)發(fā)展的先導。They are in the vanguard of technological advance.
- 其中虛擬DPU算法塊在VISUAL C++高級評議環(huán)境中開(kāi)發(fā),虛擬DPU通過(guò)DDE通訊接口、OPC服務(wù)器接口與仿真操作界面通訊。The development of virtual DPU arithmetic unit adopts object oriented mode programming technology to create virtual DPU arithmetic groups in Visual C++ advanced programming language developing environment. And the design adopts DDE communication interface and OPC server interface to fulfill the communication interface between virtual DPU and simulation operation interface.
- 虛擬現買(mǎi)技術(shù)words Virtual reality technology
- 論述了虛擬DPU的概念,介紹了基于虛擬DPU開(kāi)發(fā)的330MW機組的仿真機系統,同時(shí)提出仿真系統的調試原則和對實(shí)際問(wèn)題采取的措施。Describes the concept of virtual DPU, introduces 330MW generation unit simulating system development and debugging based on virtual DPU, puts forward debugging principles of simulating system and taken measures aiming at the practical problems.
- 虛擬原型技術(shù)VPT
- 在軟件設計中把OPC服務(wù)器嵌入虛擬DCS,直接從DPU中獲得對象數據。In software design,the OPC server is embedded into virtual DCS to obtain the object data from the virtual DPU directly.
- 虛擬維修技術(shù)Virtual Manufacturing Technology (VMT)
- 虛擬數控技術(shù)Virtual mumerical control technology(VNCT)