- 藜屬皂苷Bchenopodoside B
- 藜屬皂角苷配基chenopodium-sapogenine
- 藜屬皂甙chenopodoside
- 藜屬皂甙 Bchenopodoside B
- 葡糖鈴蘭皂苷Bglucoconvallasaponin B
- 歐洲的一種藜屬植物,葉具有強烈的氣味;被引入北美東部。European goosefoot with strong-scented foliage; adventive in eastern North America.
- 燕麥皂苷Bavenacoside B
- 藜屬Chenopodium
- 皂苷saponin(e)
- 藜屬堿chenopodium base
- 一種藜屬的莠草,有小綠花any of various weeds of the genus Chenopodium,having small greenish flowers
- 皂苷 PSaponin P
- 皂苷元sapogenin
- 莧一種普通的野草(藜藜屬),長(cháng)有葉面有花斑的長(cháng)矛狀葉子,開(kāi)有綠色的小花A common weed(Chenopodium album) having lance-shaped leaves with a mealy surface and small green flowers.
- 芰皂苷gitonin
- 提果皂苷tigonin
- 黑肉葉刺莖藜一種生長(cháng)于北美西部的有刺灌木(黑肉葉刺莖藜肉葉刺藜屬),生有小的互生葉,莖白色,開(kāi)綠色小花A spiny shrub(Sarcobatus vermiculatus) of western North America, having small alternate leaves, white stems, and small greenish flowers.
- 盾葉皂苷Azingiberenin A
- 盾葉皂苷Gzingiberenin G
- 托可皂苷tokoronin