- 莪術(shù)提取物ERC61ERC61
- 莪術(shù)提取物/藥效學(xué)rhizoma curcumaein/pharmacodyamics
- 白術(shù)提取液及成分對唾液淀粉酶活性的影響Effects of Atractylodes macrocephala extracts and its Components on the Activities of Salivary Amylase
- 提取(v) extract; refine
- 術(shù)method
- 莪術(shù)Rhizoma Zedoariae
- 莪術(shù)油和化療藥對照肝動(dòng)脈灌注栓塞治療原發(fā)性肝癌的臨床研究A Controlled Clinical Study between Hepatic Arterial Infusion with Embolized Curcuma Aromatic Oil and Chemical Drugs in Treating Primary Liver Cancer
- 醇提取物Ethanal extract from cultural mycelium, EE
- 莪術(shù),該種植物的干根莖,可用作辛辣調味品并用于香水、藥物和化妝品中the dried rhizomes of this plant,used as a condiment and in perfumes,medicines,and cosmetics
- 薇苷菊提取物對桔全爪螨的產(chǎn)卵驅避作用及有效組分分析Study on the active components of oviposition repellency of Mikania micrantha H.B.K. Against citrus red mite, Panonychus citri McGregor
- 莪術(shù)一種印度植物(莪術(shù)姜黃屬),有黃色的花、紫色的苞和含淀粉的塊莖狀根莖An Indian plant(Curcuma zedoaria)having yellow flowers,purple bracts,and starchy tuberous rhizomes.
- 總提取物Total extract
- 蓬莪術(shù)zedoary root
- 溫莪術(shù)Curcuma aromatica Salisb.
- 莪術(shù)醇rcumenol
- 莪術(shù)酮curzerenone
- 莪術(shù)烯curzerene
- 莪術(shù)油oil of zedoary turmeric
- 醋莪術(shù)stir-baked RHIIZOMA CURCUMAE with vinegar
- 蓮莪術(shù)Curcuma phaeocaulis